Benchmark 6 Student Support 2020-2021

Bridge program calendar and curricula

ExciTES encourages rising 3rd graders through 11th graders from the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez region to use their knowledge, imagination, and creativity to 1) become aware of the diverse fields and careers of engineering, and 2) be encouraged to attend college, specifically, UTEP's College of Engineering.

During any sessions in the ExciTES Summer Institute, you will meet other students your age as you will be engaged in inquiry-based and team-oriented projects activities that were developed with the assistance of UTEP engineering faculty and facilitated by undergraduate students. You exploration of the various engineering fields and careers will connect to the 8 Bachelor of Science degrees offered through the UTEP College of Engineering and take you through engineering research laboratories or UTEP facilities.


Bridge Program Information

Bridge Camp 2020-21

Tutoring and other intervention/remediation program schedules

PHS Tutoring Schedules

Calendar of family outreach events

TSTEM Family Outreach 2020-2021

Schedule of regularly scheduled counseling/advisory events and records of completion for these support services.

Technology Student Association 2021 State Competition Highlight Video