Christmas Program Schedules are set for the week of Dec. 16th. Please take note of when your child will participate.
about 1 month ago, REL Washington Int'l
Christmas program schedule
Our fine arts program is set to occur on Monday, Dec. 16th at 2:15 p.m. Students in band and orquestra will be performing in the school gym and art students will host an art gallery in the school rotunda. We hope to see all parents here for this amazing time with our Explorers.
about 1 month ago, REL Washington Int'l
Santa playing banjo
Friendly reminder to our REL parents that Santa pictures will be taken this Friday, Dec. 6th. Please be on the lookout for the order form, which will be coming home with your child today! We thank you for your support!
about 1 month ago, REL Washington Int'l
Santa pictures
YISD will be closed in honor of Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th. Classes will resume on Tuesday, November 12th.
2 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Veteran's Day
Important reminder that our students will be released at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31. Please be sure you make arrangements to pick up your child on time.
3 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Early Release information
Thanksgiving Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Tickets are sold online for $8 a plate. You may purchase two tickets per student. Please see the flyer for the lunch schedule by grade level.
3 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Thanksgiving Luncheon information
It is that time of year again, Hanks High School's Annual Hanksgiving is right around the corner. This has been an ongoing tradition in our Hanks feeder pattern for 24 years! All elementary and middle schools that are in our feeder pattern are in charge of collecting different items. REL is in charge of collecting bags of white rice and green beans. We are asking for your help in collecting items until deadline on November 15th. Sixty-five baskets will be made and given to REL families in need. Our school is in charge of collecting green beans and rice this year. Please send items with your child before deadline of November 15th.
4 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Hanksgiving collection
Parent-Teacher conferences are on Wednesday, Sept. 18th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. We hope to see all parents here.
4 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Hanks Homecoming is the week of Sept. 16th-20th and we want to support the Knights! Their theme is Knights take on the Universe. We are encouraging our Explorers to support by dressing up all week. Here is the line up: Monday, Sept. 16 Aliens vs. Cowboys (dress as an alien or a cowboy) Tuesday, Sept. 17th Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (wear your PJ's) Wednesday, Sept. 18th Pick Your Side (Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy: dress as your favorite character) Thursday, Sept. 19th Space Jam (wear your favorite jersey) Friday, Sept. 20th Class Wars (wear your Hanks gear)
4 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Parents are invited to join their children at the annual REL Walk-a-thon. Here are the P.E. times for your convenience: 5th grade 8:30-9:15 2nd grade 9:15-10:00 4th grade 10:00-10:45 3rd grade 12:15-1:00 Kinder and Pre-K 1:00-1:45 1st grade 1:45-2:30
4 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Sept. 18. Our school will host conferences from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Parents should expect to receive specific times for their child's conference from their classroom teacher. We are looking forward to seeing all parents on campus.
4 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Explorers of the Month will be recognized on Tuesday, August, 27th at 8:00 a.m. in the school library. This event is by invitation only.
5 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Robotics Club will be meeting in room 100 (Tuesday, Aug. 27 through Thursday, Aug.29.) from 2:45 until 3:30 p.m.
5 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
There will be an eSports Meeting on Tuesday, August 27th from 3 to 3:30 p.m. in the library. You need to have turned in your teacher recommendation form prior to the meeting.
5 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Kindness Spirit Week Dress Up Days Monday, Aug. 19th "Kick off to Kindness"  Dress in Western gear Tuesday, Aug. 20th "Hats off to Kindness" Wear a Hat Wednesday, Aug. 21st "Peace, Love, and Kindness" Wear tie dye shirt Thursday, Aug. 22nd "Team Kindness" Wear a team jersey Friday, Aug. 23rd "Share the Spirit of Kindness" Wear REL spirit gear
5 months ago, REL Washington Int'l
Los Exploradores Parent Meeting There will be a mandatory parent orientation meeting for parents wishing to enroll their children in the ballet folklorico group. It will be held on Thursday, August 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the school library. Classes are open to students in grades K-5th grade. 
5 months ago, REL Washington Int'l