Bell Schedule


Raiders should arrive to school at 8:15 am and be IN CLASS at 8:30 am.

All Raiders must attend all of their scheduled classes. Everyone attends from 8:30 am - 4:00, except for zero period students who attend from 7:35 - 4:00 pm.

Attendance for every class period is required and they must be in attendance for 90% of the time each class is offered. Please work with us to make sure your Raider has healthy attendance habits. Attendance is essential to learning but is also a part of our state accountability measure.

Thank you in advance for helping your Raider get to school on time and promoting the expectation for good attendance.

Tardy Sweeps & Friday Night School

Tardy Sweeps is one effort to make sure our Raiders are getting to class on time. During a tardy sweep, students who are not already in class by the time the tardy bell rings will be rounded up and their names will be put on a list for Friday Night School.

The next Friday, all identified students will be picked up from their 9th period classes and taken to the library. They will remain in the library after school from 4:00 - 5:15 pm. Students who are identified for Friday Night School who do not attend will receive in-school suspension. Your Raider's assigned administrator can answer any questions you might have.

Please remind your Raider to BE ON TIME!!