Student photo w/Trustees

Student photo w/Trustees

Devin Rios, a Del Valle Middle School student, displayed incredible bravery and strength under duress one Saturday morning in April, when his neighbor’s home caught fire. Devin and his mother were awakened in their home at 5:30 a.m. by the sound of shattering glass, and they looked outside only to find their neighbor’s home was engulfed in flames.

Without concern for their personal safety and well-being, Devin and his mother ran to the home, helped pry off the wrought iron bars on the window of the burning home, and ultimately pulled their neighbor to safety. The neighbor was later transferred to the Lubbock Burn Center, and Devin and his mother were both treated at a local hospital for injuries sustained during the incident.

Devin’s actions prove to everyone that he is not only brave, but selfless – particularly in the face of great danger. His strength of character and willingness to help those in need was in full display that Saturday morning. His actions undoubtedly helped save his neighbor’s life, and we honor his bravery and service to others this month with the President’s Award.