Affordable College Funding: Smart Solutions For Your Budget! Review the links below to find resources to help with preparing for life after high school, including information on how to search for colleges, tips for writing admissions/scholarship essays, and most importantly - how to pay for the upcoming college expenses!
Financiación Universitaria Asequible: ¡Soluciones Inteligentes para su Presupuesto! Revisa para encontrar recursos que te ayudarán a prepararte para la vida después de la escuela secundaria, incluyendo información sobre cómo buscar universidades, consejos para escribir ensayos de admisión/becas y, lo más importante, ¡cómo pagar los gastos universitarios!
Presentation ENGLISH Presentación en ESPAÑOL
The following scholarship opportunities have been vetted and approved to the best of our ability. Please be aware of potential scams when doing your own scholarship research. You should not have to pay for this type of information. Questions or concerns: contact Elizabeth Dodd, YISD School Counseling Coordinator at (915) 434-0504 or via email Email Elizabeth Dodd.
Scholarship Tips
Ten Steps to a Strong Scholarship Application
*Source: Texas OnCourse
*Source: Texas OnCourse
How to Write a College Application Essay
*Source: BigFuture
*Source: Khan Academy
College & Scholarship Application Essay Resources
*Source: GetSchooled
Letter of Recommendation Brag Sheet
*Source: Common App
Scholarship Application Tracker
*Source: Get Schooled
Scholarship Checklist & To-Do List
*Source: uAspire
Ultimate 2024 Scholarship Guide
*Source: NovoResume
Additional Scholarship Resources
Scholarships For High School Students
Dear YISD Parents & Students,
Now at the high school level, the majority of scholarships are for high school seniors, but there are also some scholarships and contests available for students who are Freshmen, Sophomore, and Juniors as well. Start applying early to ensure you have the majority of your college costs covered!
See the following scholarships available by deadline date below:
Scholarship Alert! Monthly Opportunities
Ask ADVI for Help 24/7

Questions applying for scholarships? Contact your Counselor or High School Go Center Specialist!
High School Counselors: click here.
Go Center Specialists: click here.
Good luck!
Scholarships For Elementary Students
Dear YISD Parents,
Students at the elementary level can begin applying for scholarships for their post-secondary education after high school. While the majority of scholarships are for high school seniors, there are times when scholarships or even contests become available for students at this age. It is never too soon to start teaching our future scholars to get in the mindset of looking for and applying for scholarships now and in the future!
Visit these websites to learn more:
- FINAID - list of scholarships available to students under the age of 13
- MEFA - list of scholarships available for elementary and middle school students
- - list of scholarships available for young aspiring students
- Saving for College - scholarships for middle school students and younger children
- JVL College Counseling - scholarships for elementary school students
If you have any questions, please contact your School Counselor!
ES-Currently Available Scholarships:
Scholarships for Middle School Students
Dear YISD Parents & Students,
Students at the middle school level can also begin applying for scholarships for their post-secondary education after high school. While the majority of scholarships are for high school seniors, there are times when scholarships or even contests become available for students at this age. It is never too soon to start teaching our future scholars to get in the mindset of looking for and applying for scholarships now and in the future!
Visit these websites to learn more:
- FINAID - list of scholarships available to students under the age of 13
- MEFA - list of scholarships available for elementary and middle school students
- - list of scholarships available for young aspiring students
- Saving for College - scholarships for middle school students and younger children
If you have any questions, please contact your School Counselor!
Ms-Currently Available Scholarships:
HIGH SCHOOL: ScholarshipAlerts! Upcoming Deadlines
Name | Scholarship Link | Deadline |
Stossel in the Classroom | March 21 | |
Truman D. Picard Scholarship | March 21 | |
National Independent Automobile Dealers Association Foundation Scholarship | March 21 | |
Excelencia Scholarship for Future Educators | | March 27 |
IAPD Scholarship Program | March 28 | |
HITEC Foundation Scholarship | March 28 | |
Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship | | March 29 |
Education Foundation for Women in Accounting (Associates & Bachelors Degrees) | March 30 | |
Home Depot Foundation Path to Pro Scholarship | | March 31 |
Planet Fitness Judgement Free Generation Scholarship | | March 31 |
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship | March 31 | |
Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship | March 31 | |
Peace of Mind Scholarship | March 31 | |
4-H Youth in Action Program (ages 14-19) | March 31 | |
Educational Scholarships for Military Families | | March 31 |
Kochhar & Co. Scholarship | March 31 | |
Airmen Memorial Foundation Scholarship | March 31 | |
Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Central | March 31 | |
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest | | March 31 |
Lighthouse Guild Scholarships | | March 31 |
Women Marines Association (WMA) Scholarships | March 31 | |
SM Scholarship | March 31 | |
Robert G. Porter Scholars Program - American Federation of Teachers | March 31 | |
Niche No Essay Scholarship | March 31 | |
Society of Women Engineers Scholarship | March 31 | |
Navy League Foundation | | March 31 |
Walgreens Expressions Scholarship | March 31 | |
NWCA Scholarships | March 31 | |
Maj. Gen. James Ursano Scholarship Program for Dependent Children | April 1 | |
Herbert Lehman Education Fund Scholarship | | April 1 |
Redefining Victory Scholarship | | April 1 |
Educational Theatre Foundation - Racial Equity Scholarships | April 1 | |
Vicki Soto Memorial Scholarship for students pursuing a degree in Education | April 1 | |
Project Yellow Light - Video Competition | April 1 | |
Project Yellow Light - Radio Competition | April 1 | |
ECLAT Foundation Scholarship | | April 1 |
Heavy Equipment Parts Express Scholarship | April 1 | |
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship | April 1 | |
Amigo Airsho Scholarship | | April 4 |
Hospitals of Providence Healthcare Volunteers Scholarship | *request application from School Counselor or Go Center Specialist | April 4 |
Civilian Marksmanship Program Scholarships | April 4 | |
Sigma Tau Community Uplift Foundation Scholarship | May 4 | |
Young Filmmakers Contest | May 25 | |
Home Depot Foundation Path to Pro Scholarship | | June 30 |
Home Depot Foundation Path to Pro Scholarship | | September 30 |