Community Service

Commencement Activities and Ceremonies
Each student shall be required to accumulate a total of 80 volunteer service hours during his or her high school career in order to be eligible to participate in commencement activities and ceremonies. The District recommends that each high school student complete a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service per year.
Volunteer service to the community shall be defined as service performed for approved persons, organizations or agencies outside of the student’s home and/or family. The community service shall be performed without monetary compensation and hours shall be accumulated in the form of time spent. Services shall not be performed as part of the regular school day, unless students are participating in a school sponsored school/community service project. Volunteer service hours earned through participation in school-based student organizations that perform community service is permissible.
Your child's school maintains records of their volunteer service hours. The volunteer service hours are monitored by your child's school counselor. Please contact your child's school counselor for more information. Ysleta Independent School District policy pertaining to community service is policy
FMH (LOCAL) Ysleta ISD Policy pertaining to Community Service
FMH (REGULATION) YISD Regulation pertaining to Community Service
FMH-R (EXHIBIT 1) Volunteer Service Information
FMH-R (EXHIBIT 2) Volunteer Service Agreement
FMH-R (EXHIBIT 3) Volunteer Service Record