2025 Board of Trustee General Elections
Notice of Drawing for A Place on Ballot- CANCELEDPosted 2025 Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot
El Paso County Election Early Voting and Election Day locations and hours:
Applications for Place on the Ballot
Shane Haggerty District 3
Carlos Jesus Bustillos District 1
Cruz Ochoa District 5
Gus Bujanda District 5
Kathryn Rose Lucero District 7
Important Election Dates
Trustee Positions on 2025 Ballot
Single member Trustee (SMD)
District 1 Riverside Area
District 3 Parkland Area
District 5 Hanks Area
District 7 Del Valle Area
Candidate Eligibility Requirements/Requisitos que debe cumplir el candidato
Qualifications/Eligibility—Texas Election Code Section Title 9 Sec. 141.001 & Texas Education Code Sec. 11.061
An individual is eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, a Texas school board if the individual:
A United States citizen;
A qualified registered voter in the district;
At least 18 years of age;
Have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court;
Have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities;
A resident of the district for six months and a resident of the state for 12 months before the filing deadline; and
Satisfy any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office.
Trustees must retain all qualifications while in office.
The Texas Education Code Imposes an Additional Requirement:
A person is ineligible to serve on a school board if the person has been convicted of a felony or an offense under Texas Penal Code section 43.021 regarding solicitation of prostitution.
Tex. Educ. Code § 11.066.
May 2025 Election Candidate Packet:
Filing Instructions and Forms that must be turned in by the deadline listed are:
Application for a place on the Ysleta ISD General Election Ballot (NOTE: The application must be signed before a notary)
TIP: Applications packets and all forms may be printed using the links above or picked up at the Office of the Superintendent with Monica Mathewson or Priscilla Reynolds at Ysleta ISD 9600 Sims Dr., El Paso, TX 79925, beginning January 15, 2025.
Return applications in person or by mail to: Ysleta ISD, Attention, Monica Mathewson, 9600 Sims Dr., El Paso, TX 79925
Or By E-mail: mmathewson@yisd.net
Or Fax: 915-591-4144
The first day to file for Placement in the General Election Ballot is Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. (108th day before the Election)
The last day to file for Placement in the General Election Ballot is Friday, February 14, 2025, at 5:00 pm. (78th day before the Election)
The deadline is the 74th day before Election Day, February 18, 2025, at 5:00 pm. TX Elec. Code Sec. 144.006, 146.054
You may not withdraw from the election after 5 pm on the 71st day before election day, February 21, 2025. TX Elec. Code Sec. 145.092 (f)
Ysleta ISD Drawing for Place on the Ballot and the Ysleta ISD Candidate Orientation
Monday, February 24, 2025, for Filed Trustee Candidates. 5:15 PM-6:30 PM, Ysleta ISD Rio Grande Room, 9600 Sims Dr., El Paso, TX 79925
For information and publications with details about filing requirements, campaign laws, and regulations, including campaign finance and advertising, see the following links to several state agencies that can assist you: