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College & Career Readiness Today's workplace requires that all workers be lifelong learners.
Bus Routes & Transportation Student safety is the primary concern of the Transportation Department.
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Image YOUNG WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The Ysleta Young Women’s Leadership Academy is a member of the Young Women’s Preparatory Network (YWPN), a nonprofit organization that partners with public school districts to operate the largest network of all-girls, public, college-preparatory schools in the nation. Learn more about our Young Women's Leadership Academy
Image ATHLETICS The objective of school sports is the enrichment of the high school experiences of students within the context of the educational mission of schools. More Information
Image ALL DAY PREK Ysleta ISD's Pre-K program is designed to promote children’s knowledge and skills in all developmental areas— cognitive, social/emotional, physical, and aesthetic—and to establish a foundation for lifelong learning. More Information
Image ACADEMICS The Ysleta Independent School District prepares for success after high school through a comprehensive program of Advanced Academics that ensures college and career readiness for all. Students can earn college credits while in high school and prepare for advanced courses through several programs and collaborations. More Information
Image FINE ARTS Our mission is to make the Ysleta Independent School District synonymous with arts excellence by inspiring all students to appreciate their cultural heritage and to meet their full potential in a variety of programs, media and interactions. More Information
Image COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS The goal of college and career readiness accountability is to have all students graduate with the foundational skills needed to be ready for college or work after high school. More Information


kudos to the purchasing & budget departments at central office Thank you purchasing and budget departments for doing everything you can to keep us in the black. You have ALL maintained your professionalism, understanding, & support during these tough times. I appreciate you all. Maribeth Keller
Kudos to Ms. Val & Ms. Barrow from Hanks High School Huge shout out to both of these remarkable aides who are amazing working with their students and having to learn engineering this year! They are the bombdiggity! Ms. Bailey
kudos to Dolphin Terrace Elementary I would like to express my gratitude to this amazing school for its support of Black History Month, led by Principal Lorraine Martinez and Assistant Principal Stella Miramontes, along with our dedicated volunteers. It is truly refreshing to be part of an environment where everyone's ethnicity and culture are validated, recognized, and respected. Coach Strickland
kudos to emily and elizabeth from the transportation department There was a miscommunication on our campus regarding the use of the SUV, which I discovered just 45 minutes before we were scheduled to arrive at Barkerhause Kennels. Riverside High offers a certification program for youth handlers, and the team of instructors was expecting us. In a panic, I called Ms. Elizabeth Chavez to explain my predicament. She assured me she would see what she could do since most of our SUVs were reserved that day. Shortly after, she called back, letting me know that she would send the necessary paperwork for me to complete and return. Moments later, Ms. Emily Sifuentes reached out, saying, "Mr. Hernandez, I've got you covered. Your SUV is ready, and I'll meet you in the lot." These incredible ladies were a godsend, and I can't thank them enough. I'm grateful to work in a district that truly cares about its employees and is committed to the betterment of our students. Emily and Elizabeth, you rock! Thank you, and God bless. Raul Hernandez
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